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Silly compilation time due to browse informations

On all my ARM uVision projects, browse information options increases compile time , but in a rationally way.
Today , I imported a colleague project to fork it. And it was a disaster !

Without 'Browse information' activated : 40s to compile all files (without link)
With the option activated : 9.07 min !!
So a time factor of 13.7 !! it's insane!
First I thought about the AV software , but it's still the same with AV deactivated.
I looked deeply in what could be the cause of such a difference. And the only thing I can see is the structure of the project , with a lot a C small modules rather than small number of big files...
The CRF files has 2/3 to twice the other projects size. But it seems that the impact on the compilation time is exponential and not linear.

I'm using uvision 4.74. If i'm trying with the last uvision version (5.16a) that can manage multi core compilation , it's getting worse... This time my mouse is unusable during the compilation time with a lot of lags ...

Seriously , Keil could learn from eclipse. Whatever the project (at least mines) , the index is created in max 5s for the complete project...

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