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after implementing bootloader, main application hangs on HAL_Delay()


My bootloader does its job of jumping to a desired location where the main application file is residing. some part of main application works , But for some reason the main application hangs at first HAL_Delay() statement.

Can anyone please help me figure out what went wrong.


  • You didn't supply any clues at all.

    How much of the hardware does the bootloader activate?

    How much of this hardware does the bootloader deactivate before making the jump?

    How does your application react to a processor that hasn't just woken from reset but instead has unexpected state?

  • You didn't supply any clues at all.

    How much of the hardware does the bootloader activate?

    How much of this hardware does the bootloader deactivate before making the jump?

    How does your application react to a processor that hasn't just woken from reset but instead has unexpected state?
