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making a CAN acknowledger using CMSIS


I am making some test code and I want to program one of my CAN channels to respond to all frames on the CAN bus with an ACK.

It does one time but ignores everything afterword.

I have initialized the driver and have the event and object callbacks. I do not do anything in the callbacks since I don't care about the data. I can put a break in the receive case and it does see the first frame. No more messages to the either call backs after that.

I tried setting the callback addresses to NULL in the initialize function ( the CMSIS documentation said you could if you dont need to process them ). This made a HW fault. Tracked that down to CMSIS code that was calling the NULL callback. So I guess you cant use NULLS.

I am not doing the OSSignalWait() / OSSignalSet thing. I am going to try that next.

So my question is... is there anything that needs to be done on each message reception to enable receiving the next?


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