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Understanding of startup

Hello every one,

I am new to Cortex m3. I want to understand startup code for this controller. Can I get good link ?? ex: LPC1343.s

  • So would reading some documentation help at bit? ARM has Technical Reference Manuals, Joseph Yiu has some books, and the form of the startup code is relatively general. Basically calling SystemInit() code in your system_arch.c file, which should initialize any external memory interfaces, and then __main which initializes the statics (zero/copy) for the C runtime environment before calling your main() code.

    Should be plenty of examples in the Keil directories, and they really aren't that complicated.

    What other micro-controllers do you have experience with?

  • So would reading some documentation help at bit? ARM has Technical Reference Manuals, Joseph Yiu has some books, and the form of the startup code is relatively general. Basically calling SystemInit() code in your system_arch.c file, which should initialize any external memory interfaces, and then __main which initializes the statics (zero/copy) for the C runtime environment before calling your main() code.

    Should be plenty of examples in the Keil directories, and they really aren't that complicated.

    What other micro-controllers do you have experience with?
