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uVision 4.6 Find in File - display relative path?

I'm just upgrading from uVision 4.0 to 4.6, and the Find in File function displays the full pathname in the Find in Files window, which very often, in deeply buried projects, takes up all my display space and makes it hard to see the text quoted at the end of the line.

For instance (some chars replaced for privacy):
\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\ccc\ccc\cccccccc\0908_8051\Keil\forks\ccccccccc\ccc_C8051_Firmware_Commit_284\code\MIDI\MIDI_usb.c(387) : return 1;

In version 4.0, it displayed the relative path very cleanly like this:
.\code\MIDI\MIDI_usb.c(381) return 1;

Is there any way to turn on relative paths for this function in uVision 4.6?
