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Cannot copy example

I've installed MSP432Ware to my uVision
When I try to copy an example I get an error:

Cannot copy example: Cannot find source folder: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\TexasInstruments\MSP432Ware\\examples\boards

The last line represents a file and does exist. Don't know why there is a trailing backslash.

Recommendations for resolving the error?
Thanks, Morris

  • It looks like the path where Pack has been installed is corrupt somehow.

    Please uninstall the pack and reinstall it using Pack Installer and hopefully the problem will be resolved.

    Did you try with other Device packs as well to check if same problem occurs while copying an example ?

  • It looks like the path where Pack has been installed is corrupt somehow.

    Please uninstall the pack and reinstall it using Pack Installer and hopefully the problem will be resolved.

    Did you try with other Device packs as well to check if same problem occurs while copying an example ?
