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Generating variable frequency in LPC11xx

Hi all!!

How to generate variable frequency in lpc11xx controller, currently i'm getting
fixed frequency on pin 27[CT16B0_MAT0] of 96.2hz, but I need to generate freq from
6hz to 20hz.

Below is the part of the code which I have compared:

void init_timer16(uint8_t timer_num, uint32_t TimerInterval)
  if ( timer_num == 0 )

    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_2           &= ~0x07;        /*  Timer0_16 I/O config */
    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_2           |= 0x02;             /* Timer0_16 CAP0 */
    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_8           &= ~0x07;
    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_8           |= 0x02;             /* Timer0_16 MAT0 */
    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_9           &= ~0x07;
    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_9           |= 0x02;             /* Timer0_16 MAT1 */
    LPC_IOCON->JTAG_TCK_PIO0_10 &= ~0x07;
    LPC_IOCON->JTAG_TCK_PIO0_10 |= 0x03;             /* Timer0_16 MAT2 */

    timer16_0_counter = 0;
    LPC_TMR16B0->MR0 = TimerInterval;

    LPC_TMR16B0->MCR = 3;                            /* Interrupt and Reset on MR0 */

    /* Enable the TIMER0 Interrupt */
  else if ( timer_num == 1 )

    LPC_IOCON->PIO1_8           &= ~0x07;        /*  Timer1_16 I/O config */
    LPC_IOCON->PIO1_8           |= 0x01;             /* Timer1_16 CAP0 */
    LPC_IOCON->PIO1_9           &= ~0x07;
    LPC_IOCON->PIO1_9           |= 0x01;             /* Timer1_16 MAT0 */
    LPC_IOCON->PIO1_10          &= ~0x07;
    LPC_IOCON->PIO1_10          |= 0x02;             /* Timer1_16 MAT1 */

    timer16_1_counter = 0;
    LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 = TimerInterval;
    LPC_TMR16B1->MCR = 3;                            /* Interrupt and Reset on MR1 */

    /* Enable the TIMER1 Interrupt */

Kindly suggest how to process further.

Thank you.

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