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in house bootloader

Hello, I am trying to make an in house bootloader for a home project.

I made a program that just blinks an LED on and off every 500ms verified it works had keil generate the hex file transferred that file over to my pi where I have a script that sends it out to my NRF52 (M4) line by line and waits for an acknowledgement telling it that the CRC was valid and data was written correctly.

I have written all the data from the hex file to its corresponding area in flash starting at 0x4000 and all looks well in the memory window. I receive the second to last line with a data type of 5 (start linear address). From my understanding this is where I jump to to start my new application. I take that address and add my bootloader offset of 0x4000 so it corresponds with the rest of the flash that I wrote. The problem is that it just jumps off into no mans land. I have no idea why. r0 holds the address I want and expect and I can see my instruction set at location 0x4519;

I have tried this code from keil with no success

Here is the code I am running.
I receive this line from telling me where to jump. :0400000500000519D9
I interpret this as jump to location 0x0519... my offset of 0x4000 so I jump to 0x4519.

I am also reading the first and last line of the hex file but throwing it away
first line = :020000040000FA
last line = :0000001FF

__asm void binexec(uint32_t *address)
{ bx r0

__asm void binexec(uint32_t *address)
{ mov r1, r0 ldr r0, [r1, #4] ldr sp, [r1] bx r0

(I have tried both of these binexec files neither have worked)

void BootJump(uint32_t *Address)

int i;

//binexec(Address); // -- Disable interrupts
// Disable IRQ
// Disable IRQs
for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) NVIC->ICER[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Clear pending IRQs
for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) NVIC->ICPR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// -- Modify vector table location
// Barriars

// Change the vector table
SCB->VTOR = (( uint32_t )Address & SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Msk);

//__set_MSP( Address[ 0 ] ) ;
// Barriars

//( ( void ( * )( void ) )Address[ 1 ] )( ) ;
// -- Enable interrupts
// -- Execute application


Thank you,

Eric Micallef

  • Breakpoint and walk into the code (disassembly view), should look like your Reset_Handler, keep going till it dies or you end up in some while(1) loop for the Default_Handler or HardFault_Handler..

    Make sure you're enabling IRQs when you get there, and if you have code in SystemInit() that's changing the VTOR.

  • Breakpoint and walk into the code (disassembly view), should look like your Reset_Handler, keep going till it dies or you end up in some while(1) loop for the Default_Handler or HardFault_Handler..

    Make sure you're enabling IRQs when you get there, and if you have code in SystemInit() that's changing the VTOR.
