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Could not stop Cortex-M device

Dear all,

I am working on MCB1768/keil uVision with my students for 2 years now, and we use ULINK2 to programm the board.
Sometimes, a student (accidentally) push the reset button of a board while the programm is loading in the target. After that, it is no more possible to load anything, and the debug is also no more possible. The error message is "Could not stop Cortex-M device, Please check the Jtag cable". I know that the problem is with the board (not the ulink probe or the cable), as the problem is still here when I try to download the code with other probes or cable... even with Ulink-ME.
I have tried different solutions found on the net (change clock, JTAG/SW mode...) but nothing seems to work. As I have now 5 boards with such problem, I ask you if you have an idea to make the boards work again...
Thank you.
Best regards,

  • Try alternate connection options, ie Connect Under Reset. If the is a BOOT mode of some description, try using that.

    This type of thing frequently happens if your code breaks the debug interface pins (GPIO), or puts the device is some low power mode.

  • Try alternate connection options, ie Connect Under Reset. If the is a BOOT mode of some description, try using that.

    This type of thing frequently happens if your code breaks the debug interface pins (GPIO), or puts the device is some low power mode.
