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Standard Peripheral Library and HALL drives together in keil

it seems that:
1- ST has moved to Cubemx code initializer and generates only HAL drivers
2- Keil hs introduced DFP and Manage-Run-time-Environment which use HAL drives

although ST's cubemx and keil's run-time-env so usefull are so handy, but HAL drivers are somehow buggy yet. meanwhile threre are lots of codes on git-hub,etc for Stm32F4 all written with Standard Peripheral Libraries(std_lib) .

is it possible to use both Standard Peripheral Library and HALL drives together in one keil project???

  • No, you are not going to be able to mix SPL and HAL code.

    Didn't older versions of RTE support the SPL, could you use those?

    If you write your own code, and own the development process, you can use which ever library supports your needs best.

  • No, you are not going to be able to mix SPL and HAL code.

    Didn't older versions of RTE support the SPL, could you use those?

    If you write your own code, and own the development process, you can use which ever library supports your needs best.

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