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To calculate the Hex file size at run time

Hi Everyone,

whether it is possible for find the Hex file size during run time and update in the particular location.

  • No - runtime would be when the program runs in the embedded device which would be after you have already sent the hex file to the target.

    But it is possible to make updates to the hex file in a post-processing step. But you'll have to write some tool or google for the existence of some tool that happens to do what you want. The address information in the hex file can be used to figure out the last used memory address. And the address information can also be used to locate the absolute location that you want to patch - just as long as you also remember to update the checksum for that specific line of hex data.

  • No - runtime would be when the program runs in the embedded device which would be after you have already sent the hex file to the target.

    But it is possible to make updates to the hex file in a post-processing step. But you'll have to write some tool or google for the existence of some tool that happens to do what you want. The address information in the hex file can be used to figure out the last used memory address. And the address information can also be used to locate the absolute location that you want to patch - just as long as you also remember to update the checksum for that specific line of hex data.

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