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STM32 SD Card File-System


For a new project I am developing on the STM32F429I-Discovery board.
I want to use the KEIL File-System to save data on a SD-Card.

Unfortunately, the function fmount (as documented here: )
doesn't work.

I get the following error: fsMediaError = Failed to initialize the media.

I've initialized everything with stm32cubeMX and when I use there file-system(FATFS, thirdparty middleware) it works perfectly. So I know for sure that connections are right.

I want to use it together with KEIL's usb-driver that's why I want to use KEIL's file-system.

Do I have to do more than include <stdio.h> and "rl_fs.h" and call finit and fmount?


  • You can take a \MDK\Boards\Keil\MCBSTM32F400\Middleware\USB\Device\MassStorage\ example and change clocking as STM32F429I-Discovery uses diferent clocks than MCBSTM32F400 and also check schematic of SD Card interface and change accordingly to your routed SD Card lines from STM32F429I-Discovery board.

  • You can take a \MDK\Boards\Keil\MCBSTM32F400\Middleware\USB\Device\MassStorage\ example and change clocking as STM32F429I-Discovery uses diferent clocks than MCBSTM32F400 and also check schematic of SD Card interface and change accordingly to your routed SD Card lines from STM32F429I-Discovery board.
