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CMSIS v5 USARTn_IRQHandler multiply defined


I have been learning how to use CMSIS v5 Beta to program an LPC4357, and so far so good.

I got stuck in creating an interrupt for USART3 (Rx). I am using numerous other interrupts with no problem. I receive the following error when compiling:

Error: L6200E: Symbol USART3_IRQHandler multiply defined (by usart_lpc43xx.o and version1.o).

I am using the CMSIS Startup, system, DRIVER_USART, USART_LPC43xx files, and i receive the above error.

When debugging, and triggering an interrupt, it seems to go to the Hardfault handler??.

When examining the above files, there seems to be another "MX_USART3_IRQHandler", could someone explain this to me, or should i use this? How? I tried.

Could some one please help me out on this? Or/and provide me with a very basic program example for USARTn Interrupts using CMSIS v4.5.0 / v5.

I have realized that there are hardly any CMSIS examples around, especially UART. Though of course i might be wrong.

void USART3_IRQHandler()
        volatile unsigned long iir;

        iir = LPC_USART3->IIR; //clear Interrupt



        Driver_USART3.Send("\nCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC\n", 24);
        while (Driver_USART3.GetStatus().tx_busy);


void UART_Interrupt_Init()

        LPC_USART3->IER   = 0x03;


UART3 without interrupts functions well. I did not place the UART3 Init code to simplify.

I am grateful for any help given.

  • So where do version1.o come from?

    Another thing - best is if an ISR never performs any action that consumes more than a small fraction of the total interrupt frequency you will run the chip at. An UART that doesn't have a large enough transmit FIFO can't handle the transmission of multiple characters without locking up for multiple character transmit periods. But then you aren't ready to handle incomming data or timers etc.

    So it's best to have a queue or similar for outgoing data and have the UART pick up more characters as they get sent.

  • So where do version1.o come from?

    Another thing - best is if an ISR never performs any action that consumes more than a small fraction of the total interrupt frequency you will run the chip at. An UART that doesn't have a large enough transmit FIFO can't handle the transmission of multiple characters without locking up for multiple character transmit periods. But then you aren't ready to handle incomming data or timers etc.

    So it's best to have a queue or similar for outgoing data and have the UART pick up more characters as they get sent.
