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problem with Nucleo STM32F429ZI in uVision 5


I'm a beginner in the field and I got a Nucleo STM32F429ZI board. I used some examples with mbed online compiler and worked fine. But I have a problem with running successfully an example in uVision 5. I'm trying to run Blinky example based on CMSIS-RTOS from Pack Installer. The application compiles and downloads successfully but doesn't run on the board.
I had to change some settings before I try to run it as they don't apply to the processor the board has:
1) In the file RTX_Conf_CM.c I changed the RTOS Kernel input clock frequency from 168000000 Hz to 180000000 Hz to correspond to the frequency of the processor the board has (It's an 32F429ZIT6U with 180 MHz frequency)

2) In the file system_stm32f4xx.c in line 71 I changed the default value of 25000000 Hz to 8000000 Hz (#define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000)) to correspond to the frequency of the oscillator the board has.

3) In file Blinky.c in line 52 I changed the value of PLLN FROM 336 TO 360 (RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 360;).

My question is the following: Do I need to change something else also? Or is something wrong to what I do? If someone can help...

  • "1) In the file RTX_Conf_CM.c I changed the RTOS Kernel input clock frequency from 168000000 Hz to 180000000 Hz to correspond to the frequency of the processor the board has (It's an 32F429ZIT6U with 180 MHz frequency)"
    --> Thats the max frequency and is not recommendable.

    There are couple of examples for STM32F429ZI disco board in Pack Installer and you can take reference from them.

    Just check the peripherals and modify them accordingly as per your board.

  • "1) In the file RTX_Conf_CM.c I changed the RTOS Kernel input clock frequency from 168000000 Hz to 180000000 Hz to correspond to the frequency of the processor the board has (It's an 32F429ZIT6U with 180 MHz frequency)"
    --> Thats the max frequency and is not recommendable.

    There are couple of examples for STM32F429ZI disco board in Pack Installer and you can take reference from them.

    Just check the peripherals and modify them accordingly as per your board.
