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error: flash download failed - cortex-m4

Hi there

I'm new at Keil and ARM. I tried a lot to ran a project (blink) to just test if my STM32F4 Discovery is working or not but there is a Error "error: flash download failed - cortex-m4" and I searched some in internet but I couldnt fix it. I will be thankful if you guys help me.


  • Ok, do some basic diagnostics

    Make sure you have the ST-LINK drivers installed, and you can see in Device Manager.

    Go into the project options for the debugger, make sure it has the ST-LINK selected, SWD mode selected, and that it can see the target chip. Then make sure you've picked a flash algorithm for the STM32F4xx 1MB

    If this doesn't work need to explain your situation a lot better, and explain what from the "internet" you have actually done, and what you observed.

  • Ok, do some basic diagnostics

    Make sure you have the ST-LINK drivers installed, and you can see in Device Manager.

    Go into the project options for the debugger, make sure it has the ST-LINK selected, SWD mode selected, and that it can see the target chip. Then make sure you've picked a flash algorithm for the STM32F4xx 1MB

    If this doesn't work need to explain your situation a lot better, and explain what from the "internet" you have actually done, and what you observed.
