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Debugging ELF file built with MAKE utility

I'm working on a project that uses RIOT-OS: . I built one example on Windows-os as it is described here: . After that I'm trying to set up uVision project so that I could debug this .elf file on a source level. So far I have tried to set up the uVision project as it is written here:
but none of these make it work. After starting a debug session I can follow the code only in Disassembly window, source files are not opening. Symbol table seems to be read in a proper way according to:
Moreover I have tried to add paths to all used source files that I have found in this .elf file by using readelf to the SRC variable, but this also didn't solve my problem. After many failed attempts, I tried some other things like adding to project all source files or changing uVision Compiler to armgcc. This didn't helped at all.

To make it clear, I work on: with Cortex-M4 CPU and also use ULINK Pro to debug, beacause my goal is to use Trace function in the future.

Thanks for all given support.

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