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ARM: Simulator printf

I have created a project in Microvision 5 for an ARM Cortex-M0 (ARMCM0), and enabled the Simulator. I pull up the Debug (printf) Viewer and run the following code

#include <stdio.h>

        printf("Hello world\n");


but no output appears in the Debug window. The code is definitely running to completion (I added additional statements to check). I am running an Evaluation copy of Microvision V5 17.0.0.

Am I missing some checkbox or option to redirect output in the Simulator?

  • It looks like you are using MDK version 5 with packs.

    Are you using the Keil::ARM_Compiler Pack - it is used to redirect output



    In particular here is an example Debug (printf) viewer

  • It looks like you are using MDK version 5 with packs.

    Are you using the Keil::ARM_Compiler Pack - it is used to redirect output



    In particular here is an example Debug (printf) viewer

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