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Hi Folks,

I am trying to work on Timer Interrupts. I want to start an LED when a TIMER match occurs. I have called an Interrupt on match and the LED should glow when the match occurs. I am not able to perceive the output. I am not exactly getting where its going wrong. Can you please help me out on this. Below is the code, please review


#define MR0I_FLAG 0X01
void led(void)__irq
{ long int regval; regval = T0IR;

if(T0IR & MR0I_FLAG) { T0MR0 = 0XFF; T0TC = 0X00; T0TCR = 0X00000001;

IO0CLR = 0X00000002; IO0SET = 0X00000008; }

T0IR = regval; VICVectAddr0 = 0X00000000;

int main()
{ IO0DIR = 0X0000000A; T0TCR = 0X00000000; T0MCR = 0X00000003; //Reset and generate an interrupt on Match T0PC = 0X00000000; T0PR = 0X00000000;

VICIntEnable = 0X00000010; VICVectCntl0 = 0X00000024; VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned)led;

IO0SET = 0X00000002;

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