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Exit debug mode while target is running

With Keil uvision4 it is possible to exit debug mode / exit Keil, while the target is still running. With uvision5 I can't find a way to do this. Why so? It is a problem for me because in one project I just want to start the debugger so to start the target, and after that I don't need the debugger anymore.

  • In "Options for Target - Debug - Settings - Flash Download" you can enable "Reset and Run" option. Then, in this way every time after you flash your app into the device, the device will start running automatically without having to starting it via debugger.

    Or after you start your app via debugger and make it running, you can simply unplug the debugger cable. Your app will keep running on the target device. There will be a warning shown up in uVision, but you can ignore it. Afterwards you can follow this guide to reconnect to a running target without hardware reset:

  • In "Options for Target - Debug - Settings - Flash Download" you can enable "Reset and Run" option. Then, in this way every time after you flash your app into the device, the device will start running automatically without having to starting it via debugger.

    Or after you start your app via debugger and make it running, you can simply unplug the debugger cable. Your app will keep running on the target device. There will be a warning shown up in uVision, but you can ignore it. Afterwards you can follow this guide to reconnect to a running target without hardware reset:
