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Help needed with LCD

This whole program works fine with stepper rotating according to the kepad entry. But, it only takes one digit input. I need it so that it takes multiple inputs and runs when I press "*" or any other key i want to specify. It takes the input and starts running directly!

#include <stdio.h> //Define I/O Functions
#include <reg51.h> //Define 8051 Registers
#define DATA P2 //Define DATA to Port2

void lcd_cmd(unsigned char); //LCD Command Function
0void lcd_display(unsigned char);
void lcdready(void);

int get_key(void);//LCD Display Function
int read_switches(void); //KeyScan Function

void stepper(char);
void stepper_rev(char);

void MSdelay(unsigned int); //DelayMs Function

sbit rs = P3^4; //Register Select
sbit rw = P3^5; //LCD Read/Write
sbit en = P3^6; //LCD Enable

sbit rowA=P1^0;
sbit rowB=P1^1;
sbit rowC=P1^2;
sbit rowD=P1^3;
sbit C1=P1^4;
sbit C2=P1^5;
sbit C3=P1^6;
sbit C4=P1^7;
sbit busy=P2^7;

sbit p= P3^0;
sbit q= P3^1;
sbit r= P3^2;
sbit s= P3^3;

sbit start=P1^7;
sbit m=P3^7;

int i=0;

void main()
{ lcd_cmd(0x80); lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x0E);

while(1) { int a; m=0; a=get_key1(); lcd_cmd(0x80); lcd_cmd(0x06); lcd_display(a | 0x30); if(start==1) { stepper(a); } else
} }
void stepper(char a)
{ //char x;
// for(x=a;x<0;x++)
{ // a=a-48; p=1;q=1;r=0;s=0;//P3 = 0x03; //0011 MSdelay(50000); p=0;q=1;r=1;s=0;//P3 = 0x06; //0110 MSdelay(50000); p=0;q=0;r=1;s=1;//P3 = 0x0C; //1100 MSdelay(50000); p=1;q=0;r=0;s=1;//P3 = 0x09; //1001 MSdelay(50000); a--;
// lcd_cmd(0xc0);
//lcd_display(a | 0x30);
} void stepper_rev(char a)
{ //char x;
// for(x=a;x<0;x++)
{ // a=a-48; if(start!=0) {return;} p=1;q=0;r=0;s=1;//P3 = 0x09; //1001 MSdelay(50000); p=0;q=0;r=1;s=1;//P3 = 0x0C; //1100 MSdelay(50000); p=0;q=1;r=1;s=0;//P3 = 0x06; //0110 MSdelay(50000); p=1;q=1;r=0;s=0;//P3 = 0x03; //0011 MSdelay(50000); a--; lcd_cmd(0xc0);
lcd_display(a | 0x30);
} int read_switches(void)
{ rowA=0; rowB=1; rowC=1; rowD=1; if(C1==0){MSdelay(50); while(C1==0); return 1;} if(C2==0){ MSdelay(50); while(C2==0); return 2;} if(C3==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C3==0); return 3;} //if(C4==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C4==0); return '/';}

rowA=1; rowB=0; rowC=1; rowD=1; if(C1==0){ MSdelay(50); while(C1==0); return 4;} if(C2==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C2==0); return 5;} if(C3==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C3==0); return 6;} //if(C4==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C4==0); return '*';}

rowA=1; rowB=1; rowC=0; rowD=1; if(C1==0){ MSdelay(50); while(C1==0); return 7;} if(C2==0){ MSdelay(50); while(C2==0); return 8;} if(C3==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C3==0); return 9;} //if(C4==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C4==0); return '-';}

rowA=1; rowB=1; rowC=1; rowD=0; if(C1==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C1==0); return 'c';} if(C2==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C2==0); return 0;} if(C3==0){MSdelay(50); while(C3==0); return 'a';} //if(C4==0) {MSdelay(50); while(C4==0); return '+';}
// return;

int get_key1(void)
{ char key='n'; while(key=='n') {key= read_switches();} return key;
} //char get_key2(void)
// char key='n';
// while(key=='n')
// {key= read_switches();}
// return key;

void MSdelay(unsigned int itime)
{ unsigned int i,j;

void lcd_cmd(unsigned char cmnd)
{ lcdready();
DATA = cmnd;
rs = 0; //RS:Register Select
rw = 0; //RW:Read/Write
en = 1; //LCD Enable
en= 0;

void lcd_display(unsigned char dat)
{ lcdready();
DATA = dat;
rs = 1; //RS:Register Select
rw = 0; //RW:Read/Write
en= 1;
en= 0;
} void lcdready()
{ busy = 1; //make the busy pin at input
rs = 0;
rw = 1;
while(busy==1){ //wait here for busy flag
en = 0; //strobe the enable pin
en = 1;
} }

  • So you don't want the stepper motor to change speed instantly you press a key?

    Isn't it then obvious that your code that handle keys shouldn't instantly update the same variable that the stepper motor code looks at?

    Isolate the two code blocks. Let the keyboard code retrieve key after key after key in a sequence until you either press an invalid sequence (then try to flag some error) or you finally press the "activate" key (which in your case would be the '*') in which case it's time to finally assign the new speed/direction information to the variables that the drive code cares for.

  • So you don't want the stepper motor to change speed instantly you press a key?

    Isn't it then obvious that your code that handle keys shouldn't instantly update the same variable that the stepper motor code looks at?

    Isolate the two code blocks. Let the keyboard code retrieve key after key after key in a sequence until you either press an invalid sequence (then try to flag some error) or you finally press the "activate" key (which in your case would be the '*') in which case it's time to finally assign the new speed/direction information to the variables that the drive code cares for.

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