Dear Sir/Madam I have a MCB1700 board and i want to control its LEDs via pc via TCP/ order to do it i used LEDswitch program but i read the help and it suggests to use a specific windows application for control the LEDs via LAN cable and this case the board is a server and PC is a client. How can i find this windows application ? can i use command prompt window instead of windows application?if yes please help me how to use it. Also please give me some help for configuring my LEDswitch program codes on my board.
Thank you
Yes i familiar with ip network .also i have written a client and server socket program with C# and also i wrote a client socket program for android device and i can communicate with android device and my laptop and i would like to do the same with android device and my mcb1700. but in LEDSwitch.exe when i change the P2 value i have error(Couldn't connect.Please check the TCP/IP setting of your PC)
So you should be familiar with some tools & techniques for debugging IP network issues - what have you tried?
In particular, what have you done to determine whether this is a PC issue, an IP issue, or an issue at the mcb1700 end?