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i have two absolute identical applications except the controller because currently i have to change it.

The first application is already running. It is an LPC1778 with Keil RTX and Keil USB CDC device only. I use the Keil USB_CM3.lib and usbd_LPC177x8x.c for USB communication.

I had to change the controller to an STM32F439. Therefore i exchanged the Keil usbd_LPC177x8x.c with the Keil usbd_STM32F4xxFS.c.

My new project has following USB CDC files from Keil RL included:

- SVC_Table
- USB_CM3.lib
- usb_config_FS.c
- usb_lib.c
- usbd_STM32F4xx_FS.c
- usbd_user_cdc_acm.c

Unfortunately the STM32F439 application is not running correctly. If i plug in the USB cable and connect the applications with my PC both applications seems to work correct.
Both USB CDC devices subscribe correctly to the PC. Both USB CDC descriptors and application descriptors are absolutely identical. I checked it with USBlyzer.

My problem ist:

The LPC1778 application communicates almost every 3s with my PC. USBlyzer says:
Request : Request Details:
Bulk or Interrupt Transfer 18 bytes data
Bulk or Interrupt Transfer 18 bytes data
Bulk or Interrupt Transfer 18 bytes data
Bulk or Interrupt Transfer 4096 bytes data
Bulk or Interrupt Transfer 4096 bytes data
Bulk or Interrupt Transfer 4096 bytes data

My applications with the LPC1778 executes periodical the function USBD_WriteEP.

After i connected my STM32F4 with my PC there is no further communication after the descriptors. My PC program which can send correctly data to the LPC1778 application can not communicate with the STM32F439 application. Do you have any advices for me ?

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