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LPC1788 external interrupt with CMSIS

Hi every one,
There was a wide GPIO functions in the CMSIS initial versions which made easy setting and initialization of interrupts,like:

void    GPIO_IntCmd (uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t edgeState)
Enable GPIO interrupt (just used for P0.0-P0.30, P2.0-P2.13).

FunctionalState     GPIO_GetIntStatus (uint8_t portNum, uint32_t pinNum, uint8_t edgeState)
Get GPIO Interrupt Status (just used for P0.0-P0.30, P2.0-P2.13).

void    GPIO_ClearInt (uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue)
Clear GPIO interrupt (just used for P0.0-P0.30, P2.0-P2.13).

Above functions made easy enable interrupt for LPC1768 MCU,but know i want do same for LPC1788, I am using latest CMSIS version which does not support none of the above functions(there are only direction definition and read/writing functions). whats their alternative in the new versions?