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Needed some guidance on 8051 project...

Hi, I'm a 3rd year electronics and comm. engineering student. I am quite familiar with the working of 8051 and have conducted quite a no. of experiments on it.

Our college has decided to set-up a 8051 based system that will look for empty parking spaces inside the campus. The thing is, the 8051 system needs to send the status of the parking space it is installed at, through our college Wi-Fi so that people using that specific app (which the CS branch people will design) will come to know which space is empty, that means that there has to be those many no. of systems as the parking spaces.

Say there are X no. of spaces, how to make each response from the uC unique? Like "parking space 49 is free, or 32 is free" how to do that? Also, how can it be interfaced with Wi-Fi? And I feel I'm missing other possibilities or issues... Could I get help?