I've setup PC-Lint according to the guidelines provided by KEIL. I've eneabled "Use project-target related include folders". But when running PC-LINT the project-target related include files are not found. The project compiles just fine. This problem occurs in a normal project and in a multi-project workspace. Even in a simple project where the include folders are "..\Inc" and "..\Utility".
It happens with uVision 5.15 and 5.16.
Does anybody have the same problem.
John, I have the same issue with uVision 5.16a. Could not find a solution. As a workaround I put all include paths into the .lnt file as -i.\src\include and so on. Have you found the right solution?
Hello Vadym,
I have not found any solution for this problem. I've been discussing with Keil about this, and they don't see this as a bug!! I disagree, because that should be the function of the checkbox!! I've put it on hold as I don't want to repeat the include steps I've already made in the project settings and then keeping them in sync. Thanks for letting me know it is still not fixed in 5.16a.
Maybe some day...
Regards, John
Fortunately, the uVision project file .uvproj is a text (xml) file. So you can copy the <IncludePath> tag to the .lnt file and slightly edit it. But I completely agree with you that Keil should fix this issue.
Regards, Vadym.