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semaphore token counter is not limited


µVision V5.12, CMSIS OS RTX V4.75

It seemed to me, that a binary Semaphore does not work correctly with my test code.
osSemaphoreWait returns a value of 4, but it is a binary semaphore.
Do I missunderstand something?

// compile without optimizations, level 0.

#include "cmsis_os.h"

osSemaphoreId sema;

int main (void) {
        int32_t tokens;

        sema = osSemaphoreCreate(osSemaphore(sema),1); /* create binary sema
                                         max count of tokens should be 1 */
        osSemaphoreRelease(sema); // try to increment sema
        osSemaphoreRelease(sema); // try to increment sema
        osSemaphoreRelease(sema); // try to increment sema

        tokens = osSemaphoreWait(sema,0); // the value of tokens is 4 after
        // execution, though I limited the sema counter to 1 token
            // is this a bug?

Thanks for reply
