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How startet with MDK-ARM V5.0?

MDK-ARM V5.0 coming with many news technology as Run-Time Environment , Peripheral Driver Interfaces , In connection with this I have a few questions.

1. On the one hand, there is a new concept MDK-ARM with 5.0 packages for STM32F1 on the other hand, Standard Peripherals Library STM32F10x in 3.5. A little bit of know how to write software, is there any tutorial, geting started or video course that taught properly use MDK-ARM 5, RTE, Midleware, etc.
2. Peripheral Driver Interfaces (PDI). PDI is probably not primarily intended for writing drivers for devices connected to the processor peripherals, yet.It would not be the case using technology for IC connected to the CPU interface. How many times have I already wrote the code for DS18B0, or any I2C/SPI ENC28J60 I / O expander. It would not be the case if there was a library, replace the exchange with these codes. Is there such a thing or is planning to launch Keil something like that?
3. Imagine that I just got MDK-ARM 5.0 and a development board with STM32F103. How would you advise me to start?
A course on the Internet, geting started etc?

  • I am having the same problem right now. Reading almost every piece from KEIL website trying to understanding this whole "pack" deal.
    at the same time, I still need to "work".
    i have a project using ENC28J60 for TCP/IP communication. and working well using RL-ARM. I just need to write init_ethernet() and send_frame(), and way to go.
    But now, is this the same case? looks like I need to do much more to get ENC28J60 working in MDK-ARM V5.

    Anyway, keep reading ...

  • I am having the same problem right now. Reading almost every piece from KEIL website trying to understanding this whole "pack" deal.
    at the same time, I still need to "work".
    i have a project using ENC28J60 for TCP/IP communication. and working well using RL-ARM. I just need to write init_ethernet() and send_frame(), and way to go.
    But now, is this the same case? looks like I need to do much more to get ENC28J60 working in MDK-ARM V5.

    Anyway, keep reading ...
