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STM32F4 Errors

Hi guys,

I am working on STM32F407VG_T6 target. For this I have installed uVision 5.12 free edition software. I have also downloaded the required STM32Fxx Files through Pack Installer. But whenever I try to build my target, it showing the following error:

Build target 'STM32F407VG_T6'
compiling RTX_Conf_CM.c...
compiling AM29x800BB.c...
compiling AT45DB642D.c...
AT45DB642D.c: Error: C9558E: System clock tampering detected. License checkout will fail.
Product: MDK-ARM Lite 5.12
Component: ARM Compiler 5.05 (build 41)
Tool: ArmCC [4d0eb9]
".\Objects\UART.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.

Also, if I try to load the program,it is showing:

Load "E:\\New folder\\UART\\Objects\\UART.axf"
*** error 56: cannot open file
Error: Flash Download failed - Could not load file 'E:\New folder\UART\Objects\UART.axf'


Can anybody please help me to sort out these 2 problems.
Thanks in advance.


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