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'Segment Code address' out of range when programming AT89C2051 with µvision2


I try to program a AT89C2051 with Keil µvision2.

Every time I run the 'Built Target' my assembly code starts at 0800h, Outside the characteristics of the proc.

How to tell µvision to start a lower address in the range 0 to 07FFh.

I enclose the beginning of the code initializing the various segments related to programming.

In advance thank you very much!


#include <>    ; définition des registres SFR du µC 8051

; Description du port P1
;       P1.0 :  Led indiquant une activation du poussoir (allumé pendant tout le cycle)
;       P1.1 :  Buzzer, activation par mise à 1
;       P1.2 :  Led de contrôle, idem buzzer
;       P1.3 :
;       P1.4 :
;       P1.5 :
;       P1.6 :
;       P1.7 :
; Description des registres
;       R7      tests anti-rebond, validé à 5 (5 fois 2ms)
; DATA SEGMENT--Reserves space in DATA RAM--Delete this segment if not used.
data_seg_name   SEGMENT DATA                    ; segment for DATA RAM.
                RSEG    data_seg_name           ; switch to this data segment;

BCL_0:          DS      1                       ; nombre de boucles tempo 0 de 50ms
BCL_1:          DS      1                       ; nombre de boucles tempo 1 de 50ms

; BIT SEGMENT--Reserves space in BIT RAM--Delete segment if not used.
bit_seg_name    SEGMENT BIT                     ; segment for BIT RAM.
                RSEG    bit_seg_name            ; switch to this bit segment

ACTION:         DBIT    1                       ; validation de l'action du poussoir
TEMP_0:         DBIT    1                       ; validation de la tempo timer 0
TEMP_1:         DBIT    1                       ; validation de la tempo timer 1
REBOND:         DBIT    1                       ; tempo anti-rebond
ATTENTE:        DBIT    1                       ; tempo d'attente avant avertissement
FRONT:          DBIT    1                       ; battement front positif

; Add constant (typeless) numbers here.
; temporisations avec un quartz de 12 mhz

NB_REBOND       EQU     5                       ; nombre de tests anti-rebond
TEMPO_2MS_H     EQU     0F8H                    ; tempo 2ms
TEMPO_2MS_L     EQU     08FH
TEMPO_50MS_H    EQU     04BH                    ;tempo 50ms
TEMPO_50MS_L    EQU     0FDH
TEMPO_100MS     EQU     2                       ; tempo 100ms
TEMPO_500MS     EQU     10                      ; tempo 500ms
TEMPO_2S        EQU     40                      ; tempo 2s
TEMPO_5S        EQU     100                     ; tempo 5s

; -- Debugging with Monitor-51 needs                 -- NE PAS DETRUIRE
                DSEG    AT      0x23
RESERVE:        DS      3

; STACK SEGMENT--Reserves space for STACK            -- NE PAS DETRUIRE
STACK           SEGMENT IDATA                   ; Segment pour la pile
                RSEG    STACK
                DS      32                      ; Taille de la pile

; Provide an LJMP to start at the reset address (address 0) in the main module.
; You may use this style for interrupt service routines.

                CSEG    AT 0                    ; absolute Segment at Address 0
                LJMP    Start                   ; début du programme après reset
                ORG     03H                     ; @ interruption externe 0 (poussoir)
                LJMP    Int_ext0
                ORG     0BH                     ; @ interruption timer 0 (durées)
                LJMP    Int_timer0
                ORG     01BH                    ; interruption timer 1 (battements)
                LJMP    Int_timer1

; CODE SEGMENT--Reserves space in CODE ROM for assembler instructions.

                RSEG    PROG                    ; switch to this code segment
                USING   0                       ; state register_bank used for the following program code
Start:          MOV     SP,#STACK-1             ; assign stack at beginning

; Insert your assembly program here.

  • Are you using an evaluation version of the compiler, that always adds a 2kB empty block at start, to stop people from using the evaluation version for commercial projects when using processors that doesn't have more code space than what the evaluation version supports?

  • Are you using an evaluation version of the compiler, that always adds a 2kB empty block at start, to stop people from using the evaluation version for commercial projects when using processors that doesn't have more code space than what the evaluation version supports?
