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Using destructor without heap results in stop on BKPT 0xAB

I'm using Keil 4.53 for some LPC1766 (ARM Cortex-M3). I tried this simple code:

class Base
    virtual ~Base() {}

class Derived : public Base

    int b;

    virtual ~Derived() {}

If I create local instance of Derived (on stack) - everything is fine, code size is about 350 bytes. Debug works fine.

But if I create global or static instance of Derived - code size suddenly increases to 1100 bytes and debug stops after BKPT instruction (and doesn't enter main):

0x00000448 4901      LDR      r1,[pc,#4]  ; @0x00000450
0x0000044A 2018      MOVS     r0,#0x18
0x0000044C BEAB      BKPT     0xAB
0x0000044E E7FE      B        0x0000044E
0x00000450 0026      DCW      0x0026
0x00000452 0002      DCW      0x0002

If set non-zero heap size (it's zero by default), debug starts to work and everything seems fine.
The only thing related to this "BKPT 0xAB" that I managed to find was "semihosting". But I can't see any connection between semihosting and using destructor without heap.

If destructor is not virtual, situation is the same (doesn't matter, is it public or protected).

If I make any other method virtual or protected or whatever, everything works fine without heap.

My question is: is it some kind of compiler error or I have some kind of misunderstanding? I don't want to use heap and I don't need any unnecessary code size increase.

  • Construction and destruction of globals is discussed in the documentation at

    The heap use that you're seeing is probably from the call to __aeabi_atexit (which is used to record the correct destruction order).

    Do you need the class to have a destructor? Removing it might solve the problem (because there would be no need to register).

    Alternatively, and nastier, you could supply your own __aeabi_atexit that did nothing.

  • Construction and destruction of globals is discussed in the documentation at

    The heap use that you're seeing is probably from the call to __aeabi_atexit (which is used to record the correct destruction order).

    Do you need the class to have a destructor? Removing it might solve the problem (because there would be no need to register).

    Alternatively, and nastier, you could supply your own __aeabi_atexit that did nothing.
