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STM32 - execute code from RAM


My requirement is, I need the code itself should copy into RAM from Internal Flash and execute from RAM.

please post your suggestions for this implementation.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi Saneesh,

    Assuming you're using uVision you can right-click on a file in your project, select "Options for file..." and select the RAM region configured for your project in the "Code/const" dropdown. The scatter load mechanism should take care of everything for you.

    You can also hand-edit the scatter load (*.sct) file to achieve the same thing. Read up on scatter loading in the ARM documentation.

    Keil has an example for this approach here, assuming you have Keil installed in C:\Keil:



  • Hi Saneesh,

    Assuming you're using uVision you can right-click on a file in your project, select "Options for file..." and select the RAM region configured for your project in the "Code/const" dropdown. The scatter load mechanism should take care of everything for you.

    You can also hand-edit the scatter load (*.sct) file to achieve the same thing. Read up on scatter loading in the ARM documentation.

    Keil has an example for this approach here, assuming you have Keil installed in C:\Keil:


