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Actually i am doing IAP PROGRAMMING FOR lpc 2468.I am displaying the menu using uart 2
to run,progarm the user code. whenever i reset my controller the menu gets diaplayed and always ask for a command whether to run, program. my question is ,if i have programmed user code at 0x10000 location ,the next time when i reset my controller how can my controller run the user code and when iwant to change my application code how can i go back to IAP MODE i.e. how can i switch between IAP and user application mode????

  • Note that IAP stands for In-Application-Programming - so to say "IAP Programming" is a tautology:

    "how can my controller run the user code"

    Take a look at your menu code to see what it does when you select the 'Run' option - and do that!

    "and when iwant to change my application code how can i go back to IAP MODE"

    Take a look at your menu code to see what it does when you select the 'Program' option - and do that!

  • Note that IAP stands for In-Application-Programming - so to say "IAP Programming" is a tautology:

    "how can my controller run the user code"

    Take a look at your menu code to see what it does when you select the 'Run' option - and do that!

    "and when iwant to change my application code how can i go back to IAP MODE"

    Take a look at your menu code to see what it does when you select the 'Program' option - and do that!
