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Keil C/C++ compiler in Eclipse IDE


Can you help me?

How include Keil C/C++ compiler in Eclipse IDE?
Whether it is possible?
Whether debugging with OpenOCD will earn?

  • You need to study the Eclipse documentation to understand how to adapt it for any compiler;

    You need to study the Keil documentation to understand how to control the Keil tools from the command line.

    "Whether debugging with OpenOCD will earn?"

    Again, you need to study the OpenOCD documentation to understand what debug features it supports, then study the Keil documentation to see what they provide...

  • You need to study the Eclipse documentation to understand how to adapt it for any compiler;

    You need to study the Keil documentation to understand how to control the Keil tools from the command line.

    "Whether debugging with OpenOCD will earn?"

    Again, you need to study the OpenOCD documentation to understand what debug features it supports, then study the Keil documentation to see what they provide...

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