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Behavior in Debugging ARM7TDMI differs from freerunning


I am just starting to learn and introduce myself in ARM world.

I have an Olimex OKI H5003 and a KEIL ULINK-ME, and i am working with Keil MDK 4.20

I have started from a blinky project which i had to modify because it was made for a 7 segmetns display, and this board has only an status led.

Any way, i did it, and it works perfectly if i supply it with the USB cable in my laptop.

The problem exists when i want to debug it, just to work a bit with the functionality.

I disconnect the USB supply cable, and connect the Ulink Me, it energices the device too, but doesnt allow free running, it is stoped.
I start the debugging mode, and select Run.
Then the status led never blinks, contrary to the normal behavior.

I click stop then and it stops in an exception:
Undef_Handler B Undef_Handler

If i try to go there step by step, i can never reach it, and sometimes after doing this and run it stops in :
DAbt_Handler B DAbt_Handler

A different exception. Which is too wear.

I am using the system counter. and an external interrupt for a button which does nothing yet.
And again. It works if i leave the ulink-me disconnected.

Does somebody have a clue ?

  • Thanks for the try.
    I double checked the pinout, but the status pin is not connected to the JTAG interface, actually JTAG have dedicated pins.
    See ST_LED_H line on PIOC7 pin 60.

    Also the unused EXINT are in PIOE pins 98 to 101.

    Debugging step by step works if i set or unsed the status line, until i have to wait for a delay to be able to see a blinking led.

    Next is the source code, based on the Blinky example, but not the same.


    #include <ML675001.H>                       /* ML67500X definitions */
    #include "Blinky.h"
    #include "IRQ.h"
    #define CCLK    60000000                    /* CCLK [Hz] */
    #define CYCLE        500                    /* Count Cycle Time [ms] */
    #define BASE8    0x100
    #define BASE16   0x10000
    #define BASE32   0x100000000
    #define TMRVAL  (BASE16 - (CCLK/16/1000))  /* System Timer Reload Value */
    volatile unsigned long Tick1ms;             /* 1ms Time Tick */
    volatile unsigned long Counter;             /* Counter Value */
    volatile unsigned long Direction;           /* Count Direction */
                                                /*  0 - Up, 1 - Down */
    void extint0_isr (void);
    void systimer_isr (void);
    //==================== System Timer ======================
    void systimer_init (void) {
      IRQ_ISR[INT_SYSTEM_TIMER] = &systimer_isr;               /* nIRQ[0]: ISR */
      REG(ILC0) |= ILC0_ILR0 & ILC0_INT_LV1;    /* nIRQ[0]: Level 1 */
      REG(TMRLR) = TMRVAL;                      /* Set Reload Value */
      REG(TMEN)  = TMEN_TCEN;                   /* Start Timer */
    // Interrupt Service Routine --------- executed every 1 ms
    void systimer_isr (void) {
      if (REG(TMOVF) & TMOVF_OVF) {             /* Check for Timer Overflow */
        Tick1ms++;                              /* Increment 1ms Tick */
        REG(TMOVF) = TMOVF_OVF;                 /* Clear Timer Overflow */
    //================== Delay - time[ms] ====================
    void wait (unsigned long time) {
      unsigned long tick;
      tick = Tick1ms;                           /* Initial 1ms Tick */
      while ((Tick1ms - tick) < time);          /* Wait for specified Time */
    //================ External Interrupt 0 ==================
    void exint0_init (void) {
      IRQ_ISR[INT_EX0] = &extint0_isr;               /* nIRQ[22]: ISR */
      REG(IDM)   |= IDM_INT_E_F & IDM_IDM22;                  /* nIRQ[22]: Falling Edge */
      REG(IRQA)   = IRQA_IRQ22;                 /* nIRQ[22]: Clear Interrupt */
      REG(ILC)   |= ILC_ILC22 & ILC_INT_LV1;    /* nIRQ[22]: Level 1 */
    //  Service Routine ------ executed on EXINT0 Falling Edge
    void extint0_isr (void) {
      Direction ^= 1;                           /* Change Direction */
      REG(IRQA)  = IRQA_IRQ22;                  /* nIRQ[22]: Clear Interrupt */
    //================= LED Initialization ===================
    void LED_Init (void) {
      REG(GPPMC) = REG(GPPMC) | (1 << 7);
      REG(GPPOC) = REG(GPPOC) | (1 << 7);
    void LED_Display (unsigned long num) {
      if (num&0x0001)
            REG(GPPOC) = REG(GPPOC) | (1 << 7);    // Set bit 7
            REG(GPPOC) = REG(GPPOC) & ~(1 << 7);   // Clear bit 7
    //==================== Main Program ======================
    int main (void) {
      systimer_init();                          /* System Timer Initialization */
      //exint0_init();                            /* Ext. Int. 0 Initialization */
      LED_Init();                               /* LED Initialization */
      for (;;) {                                /* Loop forever */
        LED_Display(Counter);                   /* Display Counter */
        wait(CYCLE);                            /* Wait */
        if (Direction == 0) {                   /* Check Direction */
          Counter++;                            /* Count Up */
        } else {
          Counter--;                            /* Count Down */

  • Thanks for the try.
    I double checked the pinout, but the status pin is not connected to the JTAG interface, actually JTAG have dedicated pins.
    See ST_LED_H line on PIOC7 pin 60.

    Also the unused EXINT are in PIOE pins 98 to 101.

    Debugging step by step works if i set or unsed the status line, until i have to wait for a delay to be able to see a blinking led.

    Next is the source code, based on the Blinky example, but not the same.


    #include <ML675001.H>                       /* ML67500X definitions */
    #include "Blinky.h"
    #include "IRQ.h"
    #define CCLK    60000000                    /* CCLK [Hz] */
    #define CYCLE        500                    /* Count Cycle Time [ms] */
    #define BASE8    0x100
    #define BASE16   0x10000
    #define BASE32   0x100000000
    #define TMRVAL  (BASE16 - (CCLK/16/1000))  /* System Timer Reload Value */
    volatile unsigned long Tick1ms;             /* 1ms Time Tick */
    volatile unsigned long Counter;             /* Counter Value */
    volatile unsigned long Direction;           /* Count Direction */
                                                /*  0 - Up, 1 - Down */
    void extint0_isr (void);
    void systimer_isr (void);
    //==================== System Timer ======================
    void systimer_init (void) {
      IRQ_ISR[INT_SYSTEM_TIMER] = &systimer_isr;               /* nIRQ[0]: ISR */
      REG(ILC0) |= ILC0_ILR0 & ILC0_INT_LV1;    /* nIRQ[0]: Level 1 */
      REG(TMRLR) = TMRVAL;                      /* Set Reload Value */
      REG(TMEN)  = TMEN_TCEN;                   /* Start Timer */
    // Interrupt Service Routine --------- executed every 1 ms
    void systimer_isr (void) {
      if (REG(TMOVF) & TMOVF_OVF) {             /* Check for Timer Overflow */
        Tick1ms++;                              /* Increment 1ms Tick */
        REG(TMOVF) = TMOVF_OVF;                 /* Clear Timer Overflow */
    //================== Delay - time[ms] ====================
    void wait (unsigned long time) {
      unsigned long tick;
      tick = Tick1ms;                           /* Initial 1ms Tick */
      while ((Tick1ms - tick) < time);          /* Wait for specified Time */
    //================ External Interrupt 0 ==================
    void exint0_init (void) {
      IRQ_ISR[INT_EX0] = &extint0_isr;               /* nIRQ[22]: ISR */
      REG(IDM)   |= IDM_INT_E_F & IDM_IDM22;                  /* nIRQ[22]: Falling Edge */
      REG(IRQA)   = IRQA_IRQ22;                 /* nIRQ[22]: Clear Interrupt */
      REG(ILC)   |= ILC_ILC22 & ILC_INT_LV1;    /* nIRQ[22]: Level 1 */
    //  Service Routine ------ executed on EXINT0 Falling Edge
    void extint0_isr (void) {
      Direction ^= 1;                           /* Change Direction */
      REG(IRQA)  = IRQA_IRQ22;                  /* nIRQ[22]: Clear Interrupt */
    //================= LED Initialization ===================
    void LED_Init (void) {
      REG(GPPMC) = REG(GPPMC) | (1 << 7);
      REG(GPPOC) = REG(GPPOC) | (1 << 7);
    void LED_Display (unsigned long num) {
      if (num&0x0001)
            REG(GPPOC) = REG(GPPOC) | (1 << 7);    // Set bit 7
            REG(GPPOC) = REG(GPPOC) & ~(1 << 7);   // Clear bit 7
    //==================== Main Program ======================
    int main (void) {
      systimer_init();                          /* System Timer Initialization */
      //exint0_init();                            /* Ext. Int. 0 Initialization */
      LED_Init();                               /* LED Initialization */
      for (;;) {                                /* Loop forever */
        LED_Display(Counter);                   /* Display Counter */
        wait(CYCLE);                            /* Wait */
        if (Direction == 0) {                   /* Check Direction */
          Counter++;                            /* Count Up */
        } else {
          Counter--;                            /* Count Down */

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