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above give attachment ... is of multisim 11 that.......when we execute program of mcu ...1st cycle works properly... when we disable interrupt it and use that pin as i/p pin key...and by pressing that..our program...ends........and once again ready for second vehicle......(means starting frm head...) at that time when we enble interrupt.... ----dont know y..controller executes there isr...though there is no interrupt call........

waiting for solution.... ans

if any query in question pls contact parekh-9426317847)

  • Is ... when you somehow get confused and have to stop writing to think for a significant time? Or is it when you take a break to go and get some candies? Or what is it?

    This forum doesn't support any attachements, so how come your post says "above give attachment"? Is it a cross-post from another forum?

    "and once again ready for second vehicle". Oops. You somehow forgot to mention the first vehicle. Was one of your ... thinking pauses too short? Or is it actually that ... represents sections of text lost when the person who listens to your talk fails to capture what you say and properly write it down?

    And why would anyone - withtout getting a fair fee of money - spend time giving private consultancy to your email address? I can't see that you have given enough information for anyone to send you an invoice.

  • Is ... when you somehow get confused and have to stop writing to think for a significant time? Or is it when you take a break to go and get some candies? Or what is it?

    This forum doesn't support any attachements, so how come your post says "above give attachment"? Is it a cross-post from another forum?

    "and once again ready for second vehicle". Oops. You somehow forgot to mention the first vehicle. Was one of your ... thinking pauses too short? Or is it actually that ... represents sections of text lost when the person who listens to your talk fails to capture what you say and properly write it down?

    And why would anyone - withtout getting a fair fee of money - spend time giving private consultancy to your email address? I can't see that you have given enough information for anyone to send you an invoice.
