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Peripheral Library


how do I upgrade Keil to the latest Peripheral Library (3.5.0) by ST for the STM32.
It didn't succed in doing it myself without advise.

Kind regards

  • It's not an upgrade to Keil - it's an "upgrade" to your Project.

    How to upgrade, of course, depends on what you're upgrading from...

    ST have some documents about changing from one version of their library to another.

    Personally, I think it's probably best to leave any existing projects alone (unless you have some specific need of the later library) - and just use the new library when you start a new project...

  • It's not an upgrade to Keil - it's an "upgrade" to your Project.

    How to upgrade, of course, depends on what you're upgrading from...

    ST have some documents about changing from one version of their library to another.

    Personally, I think it's probably best to leave any existing projects alone (unless you have some specific need of the later library) - and just use the new library when you start a new project...
