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I'm using Keil's RL_TCPnet HTTP server with an AT91SAM7XC512.

I'm trying to embed JQuery (jquery-1.4.2.min.js), however it appears that the FCARM tool is mangling the file. There are a number of characters (I'm guessing escapes of some sort) that are missing.

The original, uncompressed jquery-1.4.2.min.js is 72,174 bytes. When I download the file from the uC, the file size is 69,321 bytes.

Obviously, none of the jquery functions will work.

Any ideas?

  • There are a number of characters (I'm guessing escapes of some sort) that are missing.

    Why guess when you can know for sure? Surely you have a file comparison tool. So use that to find out what exactly is missing.

    Not only would you need that information to solve the problem yourself, but also to meaningfully ask for help about it (here or elsewhere).

  • There are a number of characters (I'm guessing escapes of some sort) that are missing.

    Why guess when you can know for sure? Surely you have a file comparison tool. So use that to find out what exactly is missing.

    Not only would you need that information to solve the problem yourself, but also to meaningfully ask for help about it (here or elsewhere).
