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regarding source code

I am using atmel AT49BV322D as my processer so please provide the source code for external flash

  • Where did you get the idea that this was a think tank where you post your requests, and people return with working solutions?

    There are a couple of alternatives here, but the most probable scenarios are:

    You do this as a commercial job. Don't you think we should get money too, in case you want us to help with a commercial project? That's the normal deal when using consultants.

    Or this is a school exercise. But the goal with school projects is to have the student to the project - not have the student work as project manager, asking "the web" to perform the actual job.

    Besides that, you are going to fail. Why? Because you (as developer or as project manager) are not able to read information and pick up the important details. How else, have you managed to miss that I noted a couple of missed requirements. Such as what flash you used. Or how it was connected.

    If you can't even identify the critical requirements that must be known, how will you then manage to integrate code blocks you have managed to convince people to supply to you? Developing software requires an understanding of what different modules does - and why.

  • Where did you get the idea that this was a think tank where you post your requests, and people return with working solutions?

    There are a couple of alternatives here, but the most probable scenarios are:

    You do this as a commercial job. Don't you think we should get money too, in case you want us to help with a commercial project? That's the normal deal when using consultants.

    Or this is a school exercise. But the goal with school projects is to have the student to the project - not have the student work as project manager, asking "the web" to perform the actual job.

    Besides that, you are going to fail. Why? Because you (as developer or as project manager) are not able to read information and pick up the important details. How else, have you managed to miss that I noted a couple of missed requirements. Such as what flash you used. Or how it was connected.

    If you can't even identify the critical requirements that must be known, how will you then manage to integrate code blocks you have managed to convince people to supply to you? Developing software requires an understanding of what different modules does - and why.

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