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Vector Table in ARM cortex M0

As per some document reference that I found on net the expected vector table generated by assembler is give below

__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
                [...more vectors...]

00000000   LDR   PC, =__initial_sp
00000004   LDR   PC, =Reset_Handler
00000008   LDR   PC, =NMI_Handler

but if we see actual code, it will be like

0x00000000 0268      LSLS     r0,r5,#9
0x00000002 1000      ASRS     r0,r0,#0
0x00000004 0169      LSLS     r1,r5,#5
0x00000006 0000      MOVS     r0,r0
0x00000008 0171      LSLS     r1,r6,#5
0x0000000A 0000      MOVS     r0,r0
0x0000000C 0173      LSLS     r3,r6,#5
0x0000000E 0000      MOVS     r0,r0

Any idea where will be the vector table?


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