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How to combine application with bootloader?


I'm using the STM32F103ZD uC and the Keil IDE uVision V4.03q.

I wrote two programs: a default Application and a Bootloader. The Bootloader can load the Application by some interface and execute it.

Now I want both programs to be combined into one single project so I can compile both and flash both in one go into my uC.

But, the Bootloader should reside at a predefined memory address.

What's the best way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance,


  • "Best" is to build two projects or targets.

    Then merge two hex files or two bin files.

    The important thing is that you want two completely separate compilations, to make sure that you don't get any shared symbols that will make your boot process fail when you later makes any change to the application. You must be able to guarantee that whatever you do with the application, your boot loader still stays identical. And that whatever changes you do to the boot loader, the application stays identical.

  • "Best" is to build two projects or targets.

    Then merge two hex files or two bin files.

    The important thing is that you want two completely separate compilations, to make sure that you don't get any shared symbols that will make your boot process fail when you later makes any change to the application. You must be able to guarantee that whatever you do with the application, your boot loader still stays identical. And that whatever changes you do to the boot loader, the application stays identical.
