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delay_1usec inline assembly

HI I am using LPC2378 microcontroller...running at CCLK=68.57MHz. I want a delay of 1us. Plz tell if this function is correct or not??

#define MICROSECONDS(x) (x*15)

__asm void delayhk(unsigned int a_microseconds)
{ loop MOVS R1, R0 SUB R0, R0, #1 BNE loop BX LR

Usage: delay(MICROSECONDS(10));

I have copied this above code from one of the thread...but in that they were using 72Mhz..
If i continue with this code only without changing my settings of system clock it would generate a lag of .291545 usec.
I am a student, Plz tell any alternative for the same.

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