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Workaround to stop compiler warning?


The following is a trivial routine.
Function: Using the SSI controller, write a byte of data (dat) into the SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface)(Luminary LM3S9B96) Tx register(actually a FIFO) and flush the Rx register(also a FIFO) by reading it. Works fine no problem... but the compliler (correctley) says:

Fatfs\port\fm_mmc.c(65): warning: #550-D: variable "rcvdat" was set but never used.

Any ideas on how to keep the code tight (can't see how you can make it tighter... - using direct pointers to the registers) and - stop it complaining?

#define HWREGB(x)  (*((volatile unsigned char *)(x)))
#define HWREG(x)   (*((volatile unsigned long *)(x)))
#define SSI0_BASE               0x40008000  // SSI0
// etc

void XmitSsi (unsigned char dat)
    unsigned char rcvdat;

    // Write dat
    // Wait until there is space.
    while(!(HWREG(SSI0_BASE + SSI_O_SR) & SSI_SR_TNF)){}
    // Write to the SSI.
    HWREGB(SSI0_BASE + SSI_O_DR) = dat;

    // Flush Recieve FIFO
    // Wait until there is data to be read.
    while(!(HWREG(SSI0_BASE + SSI_O_SR) & SSI_SR_RNE)){}
    // Read data from SSI.
     rcvdat = HWREGB(SSI0_BASE + SSI_O_DR);

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