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How to flash two applications?


I have a Default-Application and a Bootloader-Application. Both are developped separately.
The Bootloader-Application can load the Default-Application.

But prior to shipment of our product we want to store both the Bootloader-Application and the Default-Application in the uC.

My question is: how do I flash both applications in one go into the uC?



  • Presumably, you are using some kind of flash loader. If the flash loader is the one built into Uv4, you should be able to flash the two images in two steps: LOAD image1.axf; LOAD image2.axf. If it's a different flash loader, you should be able to merge the two images into one prior to flashing them.

  • Presumably, you are using some kind of flash loader. If the flash loader is the one built into Uv4, you should be able to flash the two images in two steps: LOAD image1.axf; LOAD image2.axf. If it's a different flash loader, you should be able to merge the two images into one prior to flashing them.
