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MCB1000 HID and Binary Files

Thread is read only, therefore starting another one for
MCB1000 HID and Binary Files...

\Keil\Arm\Bin\ELFDWT.exe will exactly do that - create the checksum and put it into the given .axf file:

   C:\Keil\arm\bin\ElfDwt abc.axf
   C:\Keil\Arm\bin\ElfDwt abc.axf BIN(abc.bin)

The first example creates the checksum and 'patches' file abc.axf. The second example does the same and additionally creates a .bin file where the checksum is patched as well. This can be used for loading via mass storage device.

The ElfDWT.exe utility is part of the recent MDK.

  • If "thread" is read-only, so you start a new thread - shouldn't you link to the original thread? Do you think that 6 months from now (when this thread is also read-only), a visitor from Google land will be able to guess which thread you are thinking about?

  • If "thread" is read-only, so you start a new thread - shouldn't you link to the original thread? Do you think that 6 months from now (when this thread is also read-only), a visitor from Google land will be able to guess which thread you are thinking about?

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