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RTX os_tsk_create_user() ?


I'm using the RTX for CM3 and need to create a task with my own defined stack size using os_tsk_create_user(). Below code is quote from RTX manual:

OS_TID os_tsk_create_user(
    void (*task)(void),    /* Task to create */
    U8    priority,        /* Task priority (1-254) */
    void* stk,             /* Pointer to the task's stack */
    U16   size );          /* Number of bytes in the stack */

The stk argument is a pointer to the memory block reserved for the stack of this task.

And and example below:

OS_TID tsk1,tsk2;
static U64 stk2[400/8];

__task void task1 (void) {
  /* Create task 2 with a bigger stack */
  tsk2 = os_tsk_create_user (task2, 1, &stk2, sizeof(stk2));

I think it should be:

tsk2 = os_tsk_create_user (task2, 1, stk2, sizeof(stk2));

Am I wrong?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards,

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