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ARM STR9 : Ethernet Bootloader

Hi all !
I'm looking for a simple code of bootloader using UDP or TCP communication (HTTP or TFTP example given by ST is with IAR kit and I don't want to use HTTP ou TFTP) that can be used, for example, with a VB6 interface (Select file, then Upgrade firmware).

Anyone know where I could find it ??

Thank you,

  • UDP and TCP are just to do with communication - the purpose of the communication is irrelevant!

    You should consider this in 2 parts

    1. Transferring the data: that's where UDP, TCP, etc come in - the purpose of the communication doesn't really matter;

    2. The bootloader: This doesn't really care where the data came from, nor how it got there - it just needs to load it, and run it.

  • UDP and TCP are just to do with communication - the purpose of the communication is irrelevant!

    You should consider this in 2 parts

    1. Transferring the data: that's where UDP, TCP, etc come in - the purpose of the communication doesn't really matter;

    2. The bootloader: This doesn't really care where the data came from, nor how it got there - it just needs to load it, and run it.
