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Flash timeout

When I flash my STR9, I receive the message box: " Flash Timeout. Reset the Target and try it again " and after this message, another one: " Flash Donwload failed - ARM9E "

I tried to flash my STR9 with the same project on 3 different computers, for two it is working but for one of them I get the messages written above.

Any suggestions ?
In advance thank you !

  • Hello, 
    I had the same problem before, the problem was protection in flash memory and you can solve it by following these steps:

    * install STM32Cube Programmeur 

    * Connect to st-link 

    * go to OB "option Byte"

    * and put level "AA" in write-protect 

    Then the problem will be solved 
    Good luck ;) 

  • Hello, 
    I had the same problem before, the problem was protection in flash memory and you can solve it by following these steps:

    * install STM32Cube Programmeur 

    * Connect to st-link 

    * go to OB "option Byte"

    * and put level "AA" in write-protect 

    Then the problem will be solved 
    Good luck ;) 
