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Keil Error - L107: "Address Space OverFlow"

My processor is a Dallas DS80C320.

I'm programming along saving, compiling and testing as I go. I have now received the following error: "L107 Address Space Overflow" That was my "first" error - at the top of the list. I have more errors, the next one is: "L105 Public refers to ignored segment".

Do I not have something not setup correctly?

My code is that that big (maybe it is), I don't believe I should have reached a size upper limit - unless I need to specify something.
In my directory, the lst file is 87K, the hex file is 36k. The c code is 2288 lines with many comments.



  • "I have now received the following error: 'L107 Address Space Overflow'"

    The message also told you which particular address space has overflowed, and which module caused the overflow - it might not be a code space overflow...

    " I have more errors, the next one is: 'L105 Public refers to ignored segment'"

    That will almost certainly be a result of the first error - so concentrate on fixing the first error first.

    "the lst file is 87K, the hex file is 36k. The c code is 2288 lines with many comments"

    Those sizes are largely meaningless - the ones you really need to look at are the ones shown in the uVision build Output window at the end of the build.

    The map file may also contain useful information...

  • "I have now received the following error: 'L107 Address Space Overflow'"

    The message also told you which particular address space has overflowed, and which module caused the overflow - it might not be a code space overflow...

    " I have more errors, the next one is: 'L105 Public refers to ignored segment'"

    That will almost certainly be a result of the first error - so concentrate on fixing the first error first.

    "the lst file is 87K, the hex file is 36k. The c code is 2288 lines with many comments"

    Those sizes are largely meaningless - the ones you really need to look at are the ones shown in the uVision build Output window at the end of the build.

    The map file may also contain useful information...
