Friend wanted to give me programmer board for me to try to learn but it use serial RS282 connector, but i don't have it on my labtop. I was told centain USB to serial converter don't work. The best is to build your own using FTDI chip. I wish i knew how to do it. But is there on the market that i can buy that is ready made USB to RS232 (Real or future UART) or even PCMCIA to RS232 (Real or latest UART), That way, i can get started learning the coder immediately.
Any help would be appreciated.
PS : I seened eBay sell a lot of those USB/PCMCIA to serial RS232 adapter really cheap. Which one will work best?
But you may be able to make a universal one on the MCU and your PC. Isn't it a good hobby project? :-)
do not even try. If you look at ISP programming of NXP, Arghmel and SILabs you will find 2% similarity and 98% difference.