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help me program control washing machine

Help me now i must write program control washing machine use RTX ,can give me some hints?

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  • "Did you start to suspect your washing machine "

    No, but I'm going to be in the market for a new one soon!

  • i need some hints,coz my teacher hasnt hint anything,only talk : go home open your washing machine and research.. Bullshit..

  • Why bullshit?

    If you really are building a machine, then you have to figure out how to make the machine work. Then write a design. Then implement it. Real companies don't just stumble over a full specification for their next product - they write the specification themselves.

    Figure out what a washing machine does - then write a pprogram that listens to the sensors and performs timed actions.

    Not hard at all. Present the program together with a schematic for your washing machine. It is enough to have a LED for pumps, valves, ...

    And when you do write your program - add error handling. How long to pump water before giving up on the level sensors and doing a safety-stop. And make sure you can't start the washing machine without closing it.

  • "go home open your washing machine and research.. Bullshit.."

    If that's what you think, then why are you wasting your time on this course?

    That is exactly what you will be expected to do as a real programmer in the real world - if that's not what you want to do, then drop this course and find something more appropriate to your intended career path...

  • this is something you might need to do more often that you think; companies do backward engineering all the time trying to figure out how their competitor are doing better! it goes all the way from electronics, through heavy machinery and - yes, hi-tech (and lo-tech) weapons!